Episode 137. Why Your Word Of The Year Could – And Should – Make You Uncomfortable.


So, hey, that whole ‘word of the year‘ thing … Do you do that?  Did you pick out a Word to guide you through the year??

And now for some real talk …. Do you remember what it was??

If you answered “no“, you’re not alone.  That’s why we’re going to talk about choosing your word of the year today - because I know you. And I know that - by the time we get to February - there’s a good chance you’ve already lost touch with the true power…

…of a single word.

Choosing your word of the year is such a powerful process and one that can (and should) push you in new directions.

In fact, when you follow this process with intention, don’t be surprised if it lands you in a very, very different place than you were expecting. 😬

Today I’ll share with you the exact process that I use to find the word that’s meant for me each year.

It’s a process that was created by one of my favorite coaches, Christine Kane. And it’s what I’ve been using for the last 10 years to chart my course each year.

Because it always forces me to grow in ways I didn’t realize I needed to.

I think you’ll love this, so get ready to take some notes because you’re about to learn:

  • Why the first word you choose probably isn’t the right one (and the 5 rules to follow when choosing your word).
  • One key question to ask yourself before you decide on your word.
  • How to know when you’ve found the right one. 🥰
  • The most important steps to take AFTER choosing your word. Whooo boy…

Spoiler alert, my friends … done right, this will push your buttons, it will send you in uncomfortable directions, and your journey probably won’t look like you expect it to.

BUT, when you choose your word of the year with clarity and intention, you will be amazed by the growth that happens in your life and in your business.

So, even if you feel like you’ve found your word for 2025 already, I encourage you to try this process and make sure that you’re on the right track.

I’m excited about what’s possible for you, and I want you to achieve all that you dream of in 2025. This will help. Do yourself a favor and set aside some time to get real clarity on the word of the year that’s truly right for you at this moment in time.

I don’t think you’ll be sorry.


P.S. Hey people! You’re telling me how much you love the podcast, and I so appreciate that! But have you left a review yet?? Your reviews help me find new listeners. Your words matter. So if you enjoyed this episode, please take a minute to share that 5 star review and a few words over on Apple Podcasts or even Spotify. Thanks!


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